ILS / BWL-Finanzwirtschaft / EFB 1/N
Hallo zusammen,
ich bräuchte jemanden der sich mal zwei Aufgaben bzw. Antworten anschaut und mir sagt ob das so ok ist. Bin quasi ne Niete in Englisch und mein Englisch den ich zusätzlich machen will fängt erst in einem Monat an:
Aufgabe 7: [INDENT] Please describe in a few sentences what you want to achieve from course. (ca. 5 sentences)
With course I would like extend me knowledge. Thereby I want to
recognize the total economic background. But my key contemplation is a
major job-related chance. Thereby I would like to achieve a major job-related and social safe.
Aufgabe 10:
[INDENT] Several firms today give shares to their workers. Do you think that is a good idea to motivate them?
(Write down ca. 80 words in all)
I think that’s a good idea to motivate the workers. I think bonus (extra pays and shares) is general a good method for motivating. Another pro for shares are the rise of togetherness feeling to the employer. All workers work for the economic wealth of the company. The risks are in financials and an economic crisis, because then the shares are worthless.